Monday, August 29, 2011

I am as lazy as anyone

Yesterday we had hurricane Irene come through and it was a perfect time to get in a good work-out. My husband was home to watch the kids and we had electricity, so there were no excuses. For my weight routine, I started P90X last Sunday. I was starting the second week with chest and back. Most of the back work-out is pull-ups and chest excercises are push-ups, but I did need some weights. I couldn't use my pull-up bar in the basement where all my work-out equipment is. I had Scott install the bar in our bedroom. However, the weights were downstairs. Here's where it gets real. I can run, bike, swim, and weight train, but did I want to go from the 3rd floor to the basement, get the weights and carry them upstairs. NOT at all. Why? I can come up with a lot of excuses why I didn't want to get them. But mostly, I didn't feel like it. How lame is that. I am going to work-out, with weights and didn't want to carry them. My excuse is that they are 52.5lbs and I would have to take them apart and make several trips. So obviously, I didn't get them. I proceeded to my workout. I did many push-ups and pull-ups ( I use a chair to help). When the section came on for the weights, I fast forwarded it. Then continued on for round two. How many people have done this? How many have wanted to excercise but didn't put in your all because you were too tired. We shouldn't live in a country of excuses. We need to do it and do it right. Jared's guitar teacher said it perfect today, "It's ok to feel like you don't want to practice. Say oh man and do it anyway, right away." The longer you procrastinate and don't do it, the more you will talk yourself out of it. So get off that couch and work-out.

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