Monday, November 26, 2012

Wolf Hollow Half Marathon

Yesterday, I ran my second half marathon in Nashua. The race started at 8:15 AM. It was extremely cold. The Will Run for Beer Series last winter was never this cold. Fortunately, we were able to remain in the local YMCA to stay warm.

 At race time, we preceded to the starting line. Scott and I went to the back so we could stand in the sun. He decided to run with me the entire time so that he can work on slowing down for his Goofy run in January. We were at a constant 10 minute mile. At mile five, I needed a potty break. We lost about a minute. Scott wanted to run faster to make up this time. We did. Then the small hills hit and I had to slow down again. At mile 9, Scott wanted to speed up and run a 9 minute mile. I obeyed. I thought I was going to die but I pushed on. (Nine minute miles are not that big a deal, but after nine miles, they're hard.) Half way through he asked if I wanted to slow down. Of course I did but I kept going. Finally mile 10 arrived. Yeah!!! I slowed right down to catch my breathe. Then the hilly part came again. We kept catching up to groups of people, so Scott kept weaving in and out of people because he doesn't like being caught in a group. So I had to keep speeding up to stay with him. I wasn't happy. I was exhausted and my legs were sore. I was breathing heavy, which I don't like to do. I like to run slow to keep my breathing steady. During mile 11, Scott said that we need to push it out at mile 12 to the end. I had to give it everything I had, which wasn't much. He started breaking away from me at 11 1/2 miles. I couldn't keep up anymore. I needed to reserve a little for the end. Slowly, the mile 12 marker appeared. I was almost done. Thank God. I kicked it into gear again. Another hill I had to run up. I passed a few people. Running down hill was faster and easier. Then the trail went flat. I had to slow down. I couldn't hold the pace anymore. Then I turned into the parking lot. I could see the end of the race. I kicked it up a notch. Normally, I sprint to the end. I couldn't. I left everything on the trail. I ran as fast as I could across the finish line. I was done. I wanted to puke. (Yes, for everyone I train, I almost did.) I completed the run in 2 hours and 11 minutes with a 9:57 minute pace. Holy cow!! I run a 10 minute mile for my 5K, not a half. I was too sore to be excited. My calves were on fire. My legs felt like lead. But I did it. Thanks to my wonderful husband who pushed me way out of my comfort zone. However, the rest of the day I was cursing him. Everything including waist down, hurt. It hurt to move, to walk upstairs, to straighten my leg while sitting on the coach. I was a mess. And what did Scott say, "Your welcome for breaking your record." He laughed every time I groaned. I had to take Advil last night so that I can sleep. I am still sore today but not anywhere near as bad as I was yesterday.

 I am happy that he pushed me because I have a tendency to stay in my comfortable zone and not push on runs. I always want to make sure I can finish the race. I usually push myself at the end when I have plenty of reserve. Now I know I can go harder and faster. My goal now will be to run the 5K with a 9 minute mile. Look out Marcia. Start training now.

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