Thursday, August 8, 2013

Starting Vegetarian

My husband has been doing a lot of research lately on veganism. He is reading the China Study which explains why we should be vegan. It talks about how casein, an animal protein, and aflotoxin in peanuts can cause cancer when eaten in combination. The meat products and diary activates the aflotoxin and makes it dangerous for our health. Since reading about this, we have been watching videos, like Food Matters and Veganism. These movies show how animals are treated. I will not go into it here because it is too awful to talk about.

Since reading the book 1 month ago, we started going vegetarian. We haven't made it vegan yet, but we are working on it. We still occasionally eat eggs for breakfast and diary with meals. I am trying to eliminate diary but that is proving very hard. I am feeling great staying away from meat. I thought I would miss it, but I don't. I use to feel extremely full and bloated when I ate meat and wheat. Sometimes I looked like I was pregnant. It was such an uncomfortable experience that I had to do something.

There are many varieties of food to chose from. The hardest part is finding snacks and dinner food that isn't full off carbohydrates. Since I always at low carbs, I am struggling with what to eat. I can only eat so many salads. I think I have "saladed" myself out for a while. I have been eating oatmeal with protein powder in morning. Lunch has been a salad, or vege sandwich, snack is nuts, cacao, and gogi berries, then dinner is soy and vegetables with diary. (Shepard's pie, hot dog and beans, vege lasagna with no noodles) Scott is a great cook but we need to start eating healthier.

I am researching what vegans eat on a daily basis so I can get an idea about the direction to go. It is easy being an unhealthy vegetarian, but I want to be healthy and continue to build muscle. I have taken some time off on working out except for the occasional run. Last week I started hitting it hard again. I love the feel of sore muscles. I am looking forward to sculpting my body again and leaning out. This time I intend to continue this way of life and not go crazy after competition. I am not training for a figure competition, just for myself. I do have the Spartan race this Sunday, the Seacoast Road Series, a duathalon, and 3 half marathons this year. My goal is to run twice a week and bike once as well as lift 3 times per week. I should be able to lose weight properly while nourishing my body with plant protein.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jody,

    I have been reading Food over Medicine and I am very interested in the concept of cutting down on meat and dairy and eating more fruit, nuts and veggies. I have arthritis in my hands, fingers, neck and knees!!! I just haven't figured out what to eat since I am such a picky eater! Will you be posting recipes?
