Saturday, August 11, 2012

Competition Season

I officially started training for another show. As I mentioned before, the first one is in October. I have cleaned up my diet and increased my weight training and cardio. I will be ready for this show.

Competition season is hard. It seems to be the only thing that I can focus on. I am constantly thinking about what my next meal is or when I can get to the gym. I know it is probably taking a tole on my husband. He is probably sick of hearing me talk about it. But that is my life right now. If I want to be competitive, I need to focus on me. This has been hard because I am a mother of four who homeschools, works, and is starting a new business as well as trying to get certified in personal training. So to find the time is important. Fortunately I have a great support system that helps me to reach my goal.

It is important as a mom and wife to focus on yourself. We are constantly doing things for others, and it's important to take time for ourselves. If we don't take the time to be healthy, we sure will have to take the time to be sick. Focus this week on changing something in your life that is not working. Is it your diet? Should you cut out that soda or alcohol? How about those sweets? What about those bad carbs?

Eating the right carbohydrates are important in your diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and some potatoes, rice, or oatmeal. Try to stay away from the fatty carbs and gluten. Some people have a misconception about carbs. Some think they make you gain weight. They will is eaten in the wrong combination or consumed to excess. However, they are needed in our diet. They give us the energy we need to fuel our day. Carbohydrates cause the release of insulin in your body. This insulin causes the cells to open up to absorb either fat or protein.  If you are consuming carbohydrates with fat, then the fat will get absorbed in the cells. If you are eating protein, then the protein will becomes absorbed. What do you want to fill up your cells? I know I want bigger muscles not fat, so I choose protein. What do you choose? Start making those changes that are right for your body.

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