Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 2 of Carb Depletion

Today was harder than day one. I was hungry all the time. I was eating every hour to two hours. I couldn't believe how hungry I was. I ate chicken breast and eggs all day. With my breakfast, I added kale and salsa as usual. Then the rest of the day was chicken and eggs. I had a couple of almonds and one grape. I did have two cups of coffee in the morning with creamer and a cup in the afternoon. That is the bulk of my carbs. But I needed the coffee.

I definitely was cranky today. I gave my kids more leeway with watching T.V. It kept them out of my line of fire. I did a dissappointed "talk" to my boys. I was on the internet scanning the Yankee Classic Site and my oldest came to sit near me. He looked at the computer and said "Mom, are you going to look like that?" I said that I was trying. He said "Awe", with a dissapointed tone. This wasn't the first time one of my boys said something. It gets very depressing when your kids are not on your side. They want me to be fit and healthy but not ripped. :( They think only boys should look like that. I thought I raised them to be better than that. They see me working out all the time and exercise with me. Maybe they just don't want their mom to look like that. Jared said he loves me just the way I am.

After two days on this diet, I am not ready to quit. I am sick of chicken breast and am looking forward to eating carbs tomorrow. I miss my ezekiel bread and my rice cakes with PB2. I am scared to gain the weight back this weekend with all the carbohydrates that I am suppose to eat.

I have my body fat and weign in today. I now weigh 126. I started this depletion at 128.8 I can't beleive how fast i am losing weight. That is why I'm scared to gain it back. I can see my serratus. Can't see my six pack but I can see some abs. One more day of no carbs. Hope I make it.

I am also getting spray tanned today. I am going with the dark tan because I have a wedding to go to tomorrow night in Rhode Island. Then we have to drive back, paint a layer of tan, let it dry and go to bed before midnight. Competition day is going to be crazy. Two of the boys have baseball games in the morning and Evan has a gymnastics meet in the afternoon. I am calling in all my resources to help with the kids so I can compete and my husband can be there.

Thank you mom and Toni for all the support with babysitting so I can work out and prepare for this competition. I know I don't say it enough, but "Thank you" I thank my husband for being there and supporting me. For not letting me eat that hot dog last weekend. For taking the kids when my nerves are fraid. I love you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day One of Carb Depletion

It went really well on my first carb depletion day. I ate enormous amounts of chicken breast and eggs. I made up deviled egg with tumeric, mustard, and very little mayo. I lightly spread this on the eggs to give it more flavor. Tumeric is good to help decrease the amount of blood going to the fat to decrease body fat. I also had ground turkey as a snack. I ate every two hours or so of cold pure protein. The only carbs I had was cream in my coffee, kale in my eggs, and one forgetful bite of apple. Otherwise, my diet was great. I woke up this morning weighing 128.8. I can't wait to see how much fat I lose this week.

Today was chest and triceps day at the gym. I completed many intervals. It was suppose to be a light day, but I think I will be sore tomorrow. For cardio, I am continuing to walk 30-40 minutes before breakfast. I believe this has helped kick start my weight loss again. Before I started doing this, my weight was stuck. Now, I am on the losing track again.

After working out, I donned on my high heels and practiced my routine for the competition. I had to practice walking sexy in those shoes instead of stamping my feet. I also tried out the pro-tan on my belly to make sure I don't turn green. I painted on a light coating to see how dark it was. I will have to be much darker for the competition.

I am still amazed at how I look. I can see some abs starting to pop. If I had another month on this program, I think I would be more prepared. This weekend is going to be very nerve racking but a good experience. Then 7 weeks left to the Yankee Classic.

I am Finally One of Those People

5 Days to go until the Works Physique Challange. Today starts carbohydrate depletion week. I need to eat lean protein all day, every 1.5 -2 hours for 3 days. I am going to be sick of chicken and boiled eggs by the end of the week. I will miss my PB2 on rice cakes and my protein muffins. What am I to Do!! I also need to drink a gallon of water to flush the kidneys. I have only made it to two quarts so far. I just don't drink that much, but I will try.

Yesterday, some of the girls got together to practice posing. I decided to show up in my competition suit to get over my fear of being in a bikini in front of a 100 people. The suit looks beautiful, however, I only saw my imperfections. I spied the fat hanging over the side and the wrinkled stretch mark filled belly from having 4 kids. I am proud of my belly though. Even though there are no abs to see, this belly brought 4 wonderful children into the world. They will be the next generation of great minds and spirit. So be proud of who you are and what you look like and what God blessed you with. These children are a blessing and if we as mom's should embrace our midsections whatever they look like.

I recieved the best complement ever yesterday. Someone mentioned that I had four kids with a fifteen month old, and someone else said that they wished they could look like me and they haven't had kids. It felt great. I was always the one envious of the "skinny" people who lost all the baby fat. After years of not breaking 152 pounds, I am finally one of those people who actually lost the weight. I thank Caley for keeping me on track even though I didn't beleive her. Everything she said worked, even though I asked her questions in different ways to get the answer I wanted. She never changed her answer. She is a great inspiration to myself and everyone in the Physique Challange. Only five more days to go and 7 weeks and 5 days to the Yankee Classic.

Friday, May 25, 2012

One Week to Go

This has been a tough week for me. I am constantly hungry and have eaten more than I should. I am eating 5 oz of protein at each meal and 4 protein muffins a day. Normally, I do 4 oz and only two muffins. I've been sneaking roasted nuts as well. Ella didn't finish her meatball, so I had a bite of that. It's those "bites" that are killing me. I don't eat bad carbs or desserts or chips or snacks. Its the protein bites that get me. However, I am getting sick and tired of eating the same thing. Its time to find something new. I don't want salads with fish, I don't like chicken breast. Red meat is too fattening. All I eat is egg whites for breakfast with ezekiel bread, ground turkey with either chili powder and tomatoes or with cabbage and kale. Next week will be even harder because I am doing carb depletion for 3 days and can only have lean protein. If it was fattening protein, I would be happy. I would love to have steak tips or meatballs or sausages or pork chops or even chicken thighs or wings. I can go on and on. But I can only eat chicken breast, turkey breast, or eggs. YUM! Not! Oh well, I will survive. Its only for a few days. I also haven't been able to get to the gym as much as usual. My nanny is on vacation and with going away this weekend, I won't be at the gym either for four days. However, I have been successful at doing 30 minutes of cardio every morning before breakfast. That has helped me keep sane. I have also been practicing my poses in the shower. This caused me to "pop" a rib out of place. I can't wait for Scott to wake up to put it back in. I am still having a hard time flaring my lats out. I realize that if I roll my shoulders in a little, then my shoulders look bigger and my lats come out. Now to remember that without looking at a mirror. I am nervous about getting on stage because I don't look as big as I wanted to and I'm not as cut as I wanted to be. However, I am done to 129.6 todaqy. I am so excited. My goal for this competition was 128. I have a week to make it as long as I don't blow it this weekend. We are going to the lake house and then Storyland today for Memorial Weekend. This will make it 8 years in a row. We always go with our close friends. We are going out for Thai tonight and I checked out their menu. They have salads with lime dressing. I will stay away from the curries which is my favorite. For Storyland, I packed turkey chili without beans and more muffins. Also, turkey breast to snack on. Hopefully it tastes good cold. I am afraid that if I get hungry there will be nothing healthy to eat there. I hope I am prepared enough. Sunday we are having a cook out at the lake and I bought chicken breast with roasted vegetables. This will make it much easier to eat healthy. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Posing Suit

I am so excited. I checked my mailbox yesterday, which I never do, and there was my new posing suit. I was so excited that I drove straight to Marcia's house to show her. It is beautiful, green with white and purple gems in a star burst pattern.

When Scott came home I tried it on and took more pictures. The suit is a little tight because it suppose to fit for competition weight. The sides need to go up higher in a "V" to accentuate the hips more. When I did this, it showed a little too much extra skin. Maybe by competition time it will fir better. I will definitely need bikini bite with it. It is really low cut on the bottoms which will require more grooming than usual. lol.

Yesterday was the first day that I walked on the treadmill uphill on an empty stomach. I am going to try to do this everyday for the next few weeks. I need to burn extra fat to fit in the suit better. I tentatively stepped on the scale and 130.4 jumped out at me. Oh my!. I hopped off and reset it to step on again. It still stayed the same. I was shocked and elated. Maybe I will be 129 at the end of the week. One can only hope. The only thing I did different yesterday was to do cardio in the morning before breakfast. I will definitely be doing that again.

Before and After Pictures

Pumpkinman 2011

Pumkinman Triathlon

April 2012

May 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two Weeks Out

I am two weeks out from my first competition at the gym. I am getting very excited. At this point, I live, eat, and breathe diet and exercise. My main focus is keeping on goal. It is hard to concentrate on anything else. When is my next meal? What am I going to eat? Can I get a work out in? It is crazy. I never thought I would be like that, but I am. I am still 9 weeks out to the Yankee Classic competition.

I have my posing suit being mailed. I should recieve that in a couple of days. I cannot wait. I will post the picture of that.

I am ready to post my picture. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable to do that. After having 4 kids, my stomach is not the same at all.

We had our posing class yesterday. It was great to see the transformation of everyone in the group. At our first posing class, everyone was covered up with shirts or tanks. Yesterday, everyone, including me, had a bikini top and some had the bottoms on as well. As a group, we look great. Posing is much harder than it looks. From constantly flexing, my back is very sore today. I am not usually sore after a work out, but I am sore today. Crazy! I enjoyed the building poses. It brings out the muscles more than the Figure poses. We get to do both.

I can't believe that this journay is coming to a close. It has been a lot of hard and fun work. I will still continue to lift heavy after competition. After all the hard work, I don't want to lose the muscle. I would like to compete again next year.

Stats: I am now 17.5% body fat at 131 pounds. I have lost 21 pounds since January, a year after my last baby. I still have about 5 pounds to go to tighten up the skin on the muscles. I should be ready for July. I need to be under 15% body fat. I am not as big and muscular as I want. I thought I would have more muscle mass on me. I guess my body takes longer to grow. I am eating over 200g of proteins a day. My carbs are under 100g and fat is under 35g. I am drinking atleast one protein shake a day and sometimes two. I started to add in BBCA in my water pre and post workout. I end up drinking that all day because I just keep adding more water. Speaking of water, I need to start drinking one to two gallons a day to get ready for peak week. I drink maybe a quart now. I have been increasing it, but two gallons is crazy.

Staying strict on the diet is the hardest part. The kids want to go out to eat all the time. I try to order take out instead for them. I don't have the will power to go to a restaruant and eat healthy. I start looking through the menu and everything looks delicious. I can't not order something good. I am getting better though. I think that now I need to be strict. I need to start planning more snacks to have when I am out and about. Slow changes, but it works.

So, here is my now pictures. I will try posting my progress pictures later. I need to download them first. This is a great start to my new lifestyle. I plan to get bigger and more ripped as the weeks progress. EVERYONE HAS TO START SOMEWHERE, but I am very fit and healthy compared to what I was months ago. I have to just keep plugging away. If I can do this, anyone can. I would love to see women come into their own and start lifting. Start transforming your body. Cardio won't do it. You need to get into the gym and lift. The diet is the key as well. If you want to lose weight, it is a mind set and not an option. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. There is none. Just hard work and dedication. If you give up, that is on you, not the diet. People blame the diets for not working, its not the diet, its you. You need to want it and make the change. Don't go back to your old lifestyle. Stay on goal and the doors will open.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I had my first fitting for my bathing suite today. It is beautiful. The green we picked out is really shiny and sparkly. It made me look good. It is cut very low in the front and high on the sides. It crosses in the back. I get to pick it up in 3 weeks with all the rhinestones on it. I will send a picture when I get it. Of course I won't be in it until competition day.

I am getting very excited for the competition. I have 1 month left to fit into the suite before my first competition.

Back Home after Vacation

We had a great vacation to Myrtle Beach. The resort we stood at had a great gym. There were free weigths and cables, treadmills and elipticals. There were also running paths throughout the golf course and adjoining neighborhood. The paths were not very groomed, but the wild life was great to see. There were ducks and geese with their babies. I came upon a turtle crossing the road on one of my runs. During my runs, I was listening to the Hunger Games. The story line fit in well with running. The main character was dodging other characters and I was dodging wild life. Of course my life wasn't in danger. I did get a little worried running by a pack of geese. Since it was mating season, I wasn't sure if I would be attacked. I worked out for atleast an hour a day doing weigths and cardio.

Eating wasn't as good. We ate in everyday for breakfast and usually one other meal. That only left one meal out. I ate salads with fish or steak. Ice cream was the staple snack food. Fortunately, we were able to have frozen yogurt instead. I was wary about how much weigth I gained. I was guessing 5 pounds. I woke up Monday morning and stepped on the scale. I gained only 3 pounds. I felt very relieved. After being a little carefree about food, it feels good to get back on track.