Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Monday night was our first posing class. There were about 20 men and women standing and looking at themselves in the mirror. Most women wore 5 inch high heels, me included. The heels are there to show off the muscles in the legs more. Others wore no shoes. The men get to pose bare foot. They are lucky. There don't need to learn how to walk in 5" heels.

We preceeded to stand in front of the mirror to watch our posing technique. We started with the front pose. We rolled our shoulders forward and then back, trying to keep the shoulder blades flat against the back. Squeeze the lats, chest up, flex the arms while keeping the hands relaxed, push the legs out and flex and hold. Oh yeah, and smile. It is very hard to keep all the muscles flexed and smile at the same time. We continued to practice our quarter turns and back pose. At least with the back pose, we don't have to smile.:) My back was definitely sore after this session. I will need to continue to practice holding these poses in front of a mirror to find the best angle to define the muscle.

After the posing for judging, we have to perform to music any poses that makes us look the best. That is not going to be fun. More posing practice!

During posing I was able to see where I needed work. I like my legs and triceps, they are nice and cut. However, I need to build my back and shoulders more. I met with my trainer last week to change my program. I am now working on back 2 times a week and shoulders 3 times a week. Shoulders are alternating between heavy, medium, and light days so as not to over due it. I am doing pull-ups everyday I am at the gym. I am now up to 6 pull-ups unsupported.

After months of having a knee injury, I finally can run again. I ran the Great Bay race last week and rocked my time. After running, I was still able to walk. I woke up the next day and still no knee pain. I ran several more days that week and no pain. I am so relieved. I was able to sign up for 2 half marathons this year. I can't wait to complete it, especially Disney in January. But I am going to continue to build muscle and work toward my July competition and maybe compete again in October.

I am struggling with my diet a little. I am not eating any bad meals. I am eating everything that I should however, its the bite here and there that is killing me. I have to do extra cardio to burn it off. I am still 7 pounds away from my competition weight. I am on vacation next week and I hope to continue to eat well. When I get back, I will have one month before the pre-competition to loose all the excess weight. Its going to be cutting it close. Atleast I have more time before the July competition.

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