Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15

Its been a while since my last post. I have struggled with my diet over this time. I planned on competing July 21 at the Yankee Classic but I couldn't get my diet right. I was burnt out. I was tired of watching everything that I ate and worrying about losing weight. I just couldn't do it any more. Also, there were many parties before the competition that I wanted to enjoy my summer and not diet it away. So I took it a little to far over the Fourth of July Holiday. I pretty much ate for a week straight. It started Friday at my Pampered Chef party and ended the Sunday after July 4th. So for nine days it was pretty much a free for all. I felt guilty every time I ate "bad" food, but I couldn't control it. I ate just to eat. I was so full and looked at Marcia and asked why was I still eating. I couldn't answer, just that the food was so good. So on Monday July 8th, I got my head back on straight and dieted down. I had an unbelievable 7 pounds to lose. I felt gross and "fat'. Even though I was still way down in weight, I could feel that I was very bloated. I needed to do something drastically. I have been eating perfectly clean since Monday and have lost all the weight plus some. I feel great. My energy is higher and I am staying awake longer at night and sleeping in to 7 which I usually get up at 5:30. Finally, I am not so fatigued anymore.

After reading many blogs of Figure competitors, I decided that I shouldn't rush competing. I don't think I am ready. It took them years to get on stage. Why am I rushing it? I know it is my personality to "get things done", but I don't just want to check it off my list. I want to do well. I want to do my best. At this point, I don't think I have enough muscle on me to compete. Fortunately, there will be another Physique Challenge in August with the stage performance in November. That will give me enough time to continue to bulk up. I had such an enjoyment at the last competition that I wanted to do it again. The camaraderie of the group was encouraging. It didn't matter how you looked. It was the transformation that counted. There was far less stress and more excitement at the Works than I think there will be at the Pro competition. Fortunately, the Granite State Challenge is at the end of October. Since doing the Physique Challenge again, it will get me ready for the Granite State which is what a initially intended to do. And if I am not ready for that, then there is another one in April. I WILL get on a professional stage to compete. I just want to make sure I am ready physically and emotionally. Until then, I will do the Physique Challenge again and pose in November.

In the mean time, it is triathlon time. I am training for the Pumpkinman in September and the Hampton Half Marathon in September. I have been in the water twice and the bike once. I haven't been off to a good start. Unfortunately, my weight training will have to take a back seat to running, biking, and, swimming. I hope to continue to do both so I don't lose my hard earned muscle. But all I can do is take it one day at a time.

On the side, I am working at earning my personal training certificate. I plan to set up space in my chiropractic office to start training there. I will work with nutrition and exercise to help you reach your goals. If you are interested in training with me, feel free to email me and we can get started toward you goal.

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