Saturday, September 1, 2012

8 Weeks to Go

Its just about 8 weeks to the GSO. I am getting excited. I have been taking a posing class for the last three weeks that has helped me perfect my posing. I still need to practice but Royce has been helping to make my posing even better. Thanks Royce.

My diet has been great for the last several weeks as well. I am down a few pounds with several more to go.

 Last week we went to the Country Fest at Gillette Stadium. We were able to tail gate before the show which allowed for healthy eating (and drinking. lol.) I did consume 2 skinny margaritas while tail gating. They were delicious. During the show, I ate a couple of chicken wings and that's it. I was very proud that I didn't eat anymore than that. The next day I went out for a run while everyone was sleeping. For lunch, we went to Red Robin. Looking at, the average burger was 1000 calories. I was appalled. What could I eat? I didn't want a salad even though I knew that would be the best option. So, I decided to go with a turkey burger with jalapenos and no cheese with salsa. It was amazing. Real food tastes so GOOD. I just wish it wasn't so fattening. It took me three days to lose the weight from this meal.

Weight training has been excellent. I switched my routine to pyramid training. I needed to hit every rep range to completely exhaust the muscle group. I started a 4 day split training. With 5 sets for each exercise, my muscles were on fire at the end of the work out. It took me three days to recover. Its always fun changing up my routine. After a month on a routine, I am no longer sore, even if I increase weights. A new routine always hits different angles of the muscle which causes a different stress on them. This in turn causes the muscles to have to respond differently to further growth.

This week I also ran 10 miles which took me just under 2 hours. I have never run this long before. My furthest was 8 miles. I felt good that I could accomplish this goal. Of course I could barely walk after this. I was completely exhausted all day even though I was trying to eat carbohydrates to replenish my fuel. Fortunately, the Pumpkinman is next week and I have one more long run before the half marathon. It is hard not to train too much on cardio in order to retain my muscles for the show. I try to keep it to 30 minutes of cardio a day with a long training on the weekends. So far it has been working, however, I won't be my best at the triathlon but I will look better for it at the show.

Weekends are more challenging when it comes to diet. I wanted to go for dinner last night, but ended up having a snack and eating ground turkey at home. The Greek Festival is this weekend with great food, but I can't eat it. I am counting down the days till I can eat real food again. Of course, I will probably feel guilty about it. I am planning on not gaining much weight back after the show. I hope I can stay true to that. Only time will tell.

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