Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have successfully completed my one year journey  "From Baby to Body Builder". I started one year ago, 50 pounds heavier. I vowed that I was going to compete in the GSO. I DID IT! I finished my competition and competed in another one this past weekend. I didn't do as well as I hoped. I was hoping to place in the top 5, however, I didn't. Looking back at pictures, I am to tiny. I need to add more muscle in order to be competitve.  I also need to lean down some more and act "girlie". I am so not girlie. But I will try. It feels great to have this accomnplishment. Even though I didn't win, the journey itself was unforgetable. I made many good like minded friends and learned more about the body building diet and lifestyle. I am very glad that I have made this journey. I plan on continuing on this venture. I will spend the next year trying to build more muscle so that I will be competitive next year. Stay tuned for more info on this blog as I continue my journey to win the GSO. In the mean time, I have two half marathans to complete and a bucket list of challenges to check off my list.
Below are pictures from the Monster Mash. I competed in Fit Body and Figure. I was one out of 10. I don't know where I placed. I am the one one the right.

 I want to thank my wonderful husband who supported me during the journey. He was a great sport about not going out to eat alot and constantly hearing me complain. He was also amazing at waking up early and painting me. Thank you Scott, I love you.

I want to thank my kids for putting up with me on my cranky days. They were warned when those days came not to give me a hard time about school. They did survive this last year.

I want to thank my trainer, Caley, who helped me get started on this journey and led me in the right direction. She pushed my and wouldn't let me do it my way. She said to trust her, and I did, and look where I am today.

I would like to thank my trainer Royce, who helped me with my posing, and gave it to me straight. Everytime I asked him a question about something I know I shouldn't do, he said "sure, if I didn't want to win". I just rolled my eyes at him. But, he kept me on the right track.

I want to thank everyone else who supported and encouraged me this past year. Without my team, I couldn't have done it.

And a special thanks to Marcia Adair, who challanged me to do this competition. She was hoping I was going to say no. But I didn't. I surprised her with agreeing to compete. We pushed each other throughout the year and have grown physically and mentally. I am a healthier and better person due to this challenge.



The End: For Now

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