Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Take 2 or is It 3

The holidays have been crazy. Just like most people, I slipped, again and again. I have been horrible on my diet. But now is to start a new day, again. I feel like I keep writing the same thing. I was in a loop without any ending. I was on a spiral downward and couldn't get out. I was defeated diet wise. So what did I do, eat more. Fortunately, I continued to exercise so that my weight didn't spiral out of control. I'm not sure what was going on. But I am determine to bounce back. I moved my competition up to July. So, I only have 7 months to get the weight off and build the muscle.

Now today is a new day. I watched "May I Be Frank" which is about a lifestyle change to rawfood and detoxing as well as positive affirmations. I started to research again how to be raw food while be a body builder. I finally found someone on Facebook that was a raw body builder. I was encouraged to know that it is possible. I know in my heart it is but listening to trainers say it's not is discouraging. Yes, its true that I need 100g of protein and will not be able to consume that quantity of nuts and seeds. However, the protein in the raw food becomes readily absorbable and utilized compared to cooked meat.

I am looking forward to the next few days. I will start to notice more energy and a better mood and out look on life. Being home with the kids is stressful at times with no break. When I went raw in the past, I became clear headed. I was happy all the time with tremendous energy. I can not wait to get that back. I'm sure my kids will be grateful to get me back as well.

Today, I had a perfect day. I started out with a green juice of kale, spinach, apple, carrot, ginger, beet, and cayenne. I ate clementines for snack and raw Pad Thai for lunch followed by a handful of almonds for snack. I will have a protein shake soon and raw enchiladas for dinner. It smells really good while its dehydrating. Scott always love when we go raw. He usually doesn't have a lot of choice when I make his dinner. But he is very receptive to trying anything.

It is a new day and I am ready again. If I fail, I will keep trying. I will live one day at a time and not be discouraged if I get off course. I will persevere and accomplish my goal. I WILL PREVAIL AND NEVER GIVE UP.

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