Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two Weeks Until GSO

I am now officially two weeks out from my show. I can not believe it has been a year since I started this journey. I have lost over 50 pounds and gained in muscle and strength. My new found physique is suprising to myself and others. Most people do not believe me that I was overweight last year. I feel like I need to convince people that I wasn't always this healthy. It is a good feeling but confusing becaue I still feel like the same person. I don't see myself as an athletic person. When I am giving clients diet and exercise advice, they tell me that I just don't get it. So I have to defend myself by saying "Yes, I do! I was heavy too". I always get a suprised look. I have to carry a picture around just to prove how far I came.

Last week I went to Tennessee for vacation. We had a great time. I worked out everyday and eat healthy for the most part. However, I did drink alcohol almost every night. That was my downfall. My body is so efficient at utilizing its nutrients, that any alcohol slows it down. Unfortunately I went up .5% in body fat. However, I am very water logged because I didn't drink enough water. The water is trapped under my skin which is a definite no-no for bodybuilding.  So that could have skewed my numbers. So now I have to drink 1.5 gallons of water a day to flush out my system.

After meeting with my trainer I am on a two week strict program of dieting and exercising. I cannot afford to cheat at all. I am working out twice a day to get my body fat down and practicing posing twice a day. I will be ready for the show and be in the best shape that I can be for me.

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