Friday, October 28, 2011

Not Yet Bikini Ready

I finally took the picture of myself in the bikini. I didn't look half as bad as I thought. When posing and flexing, there is actually definition in my arms. I like to wear tight sleeveless shirts when working out upper body to see my results. However, I still have a nice spare tire around the middle. Due to this, I will not be wearing the "bikini" to Cancun especially because family and friends will be going. I don't want to embarrass myself that much. But I am going to spray tan before I go. Tan fat looks better than white fat.

I am back up by 2 pounds again this week. I made a break though last week by losing that 2 pounds. Now its back on. This last 10 pounds is very hard to lose. But I will perservere and lose it. I wanted it to be gone by Cancun, but that won't be able to happen. I will just keep plugging away day by day and week by week. It will come off and by the summer I will look "hot".

Weight training has been going very well. I increase my weights each time I go. I am now benching 75 pounds and squatting 105 pounds. The trainer wants me to bench and squat my weight. I guess I need to lose more weight for that to happen. I have no problems with squatting my weight. I am worried about hurting my back, so I don't go to heavy unless she is there. One of my patients broke her back while squatting. It was a long recovery for her. She couldn't lift anymore or run. So I always have that in the back of my mind. With bench pressing, I am afraid that I won't be able to lift that last rep and might drop the bar on my head. That would hurt. I know I can always call out for help, but that is not my personality.

I have the tendency not to ask for help at all. It is easier doing things myself so as not to bother anyone else. Also, the task is completed on my time, not someone elses. That is probably why I am up at 1am with my mind racing with things that need to be done. Its usually not a problem, crawling out of bed and completing my tasks, except last night when Ella woke up and woke up Scott and none of us went back to sleep till 4:30am. Sorry hunny. Its hard to stay in bed when my mind is racing with all the items I need to accomplish. I bought a tiny light for my Nook, so I can read instead of getting up. But I do enjoy this ridiculously eary morning rising. No kids. The quietness is so peaceful. I complete my bible study, write on my blog, clean the house and wash dishes, relax and catch up on TV. I look forward to it, except when I wake everyone else up because of the baby.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jody....there REALLY IS something about the peace and quiet of being up so early when others are sleeping. When Ian was a baby and nursing, I never minded getting up with him in the middle of the night, it was peaceful...our time and then when he fell back to sleep, my time.

    You're involved in so many different pieces of your family, I'm glad you get some "YOU" time, no matter how it shows up...we all need it...yay for you.
