Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 2 of Carb Depletion

Today was harder than day one. I was hungry all the time. I was eating every hour to two hours. I couldn't believe how hungry I was. I ate chicken breast and eggs all day. With my breakfast, I added kale and salsa as usual. Then the rest of the day was chicken and eggs. I had a couple of almonds and one grape. I did have two cups of coffee in the morning with creamer and a cup in the afternoon. That is the bulk of my carbs. But I needed the coffee.

I definitely was cranky today. I gave my kids more leeway with watching T.V. It kept them out of my line of fire. I did a dissappointed "talk" to my boys. I was on the internet scanning the Yankee Classic Site and my oldest came to sit near me. He looked at the computer and said "Mom, are you going to look like that?" I said that I was trying. He said "Awe", with a dissapointed tone. This wasn't the first time one of my boys said something. It gets very depressing when your kids are not on your side. They want me to be fit and healthy but not ripped. :( They think only boys should look like that. I thought I raised them to be better than that. They see me working out all the time and exercise with me. Maybe they just don't want their mom to look like that. Jared said he loves me just the way I am.

After two days on this diet, I am not ready to quit. I am sick of chicken breast and am looking forward to eating carbs tomorrow. I miss my ezekiel bread and my rice cakes with PB2. I am scared to gain the weight back this weekend with all the carbohydrates that I am suppose to eat.

I have my body fat and weign in today. I now weigh 126. I started this depletion at 128.8 I can't beleive how fast i am losing weight. That is why I'm scared to gain it back. I can see my serratus. Can't see my six pack but I can see some abs. One more day of no carbs. Hope I make it.

I am also getting spray tanned today. I am going with the dark tan because I have a wedding to go to tomorrow night in Rhode Island. Then we have to drive back, paint a layer of tan, let it dry and go to bed before midnight. Competition day is going to be crazy. Two of the boys have baseball games in the morning and Evan has a gymnastics meet in the afternoon. I am calling in all my resources to help with the kids so I can compete and my husband can be there.

Thank you mom and Toni for all the support with babysitting so I can work out and prepare for this competition. I know I don't say it enough, but "Thank you" I thank my husband for being there and supporting me. For not letting me eat that hot dog last weekend. For taking the kids when my nerves are fraid. I love you.


  1. Hang in there Jody! When it's all done you can be proud of yourself! They boys will get over it. I remember Robert saying he didn't like my big arms. Oh well!!! Post pics! I'm excited to see you!!

  2. Diane Roberge Fogarty You Rock Jody! Be very proud of yourself & good luck!!
