Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 3 Carb Depletion

Today was definitely easier than yesterday. I woke up with a stomach ache. My stomach felt like it was completely empty and did its own work out. After a couple of hours it started to feel better. I had no energy and just wanted to sit on the couch all day. Fortunately, I was able to finish my boating safety course online. Even the coffee wasn't waking me up. I walked on the treadmill as usual but kept it to a 3.5 speed with no incline. I consumed more eggs and chicken breast. I did add sliced turkey and one chicken sausage to the menu. ( For future reference, I didn't lose weight because of this. There must be too much fat in it)

I had my weigh in and body fat measured. I drop .6%. I thought I would have dropped much more. I feel like I am getting extremely tiny. My size sixes are now huge and I needed to go shopping again. Even my belts don't fit. My shirts are hanging off me. It is a great feeling for everything to be big but I am not a shopper and I have to go shopping again. I will accumulate multiple size clothes this year due to training. So, I am at 16.9% body fat, which is great for maintenaince, but I still need to be lower. I must carry more on my butt and arms than anywhere else. Of course, I still have extra belly skin than will keep my pinch test higher.

Starting Friday, I get to start eating carbs again. However, I don't want to gain that extra weight back. I need to eat carbs to increase the size of my muscles and fill them back up with water. Hopefully, after Saturday, I will be able to drink a lot of water to flush it out. Of course, I won't be going to Olive Garden for my carbs, only rice cakes and rice and potatoe. Tonight I get to eat steak and cake from a wedding, and one glass of wine. I can't wait for that wine.

I also went for my spray tan in the afternoon. I was sprayed dark, not competition dark. I was afraid to go dark because I didn't want to look bad for the wedding. After spraying, I had to go to work. I walked in and the amount of complements and "Oh my's" I recieved kept me entertained. Even Scott said that I was really dark. I saw a patient that I haven't seen in a while and she grabbed my waist to see how "skinny" I was. She knew me before kids. She never knew me to be this thin. I never knew me to be this thin. Because of how tiny I look, I asked Caley about switching to bikini competition instead of figure. She said not to, that my muscles look small now because of the carb depletion and that they will get bigger. She said it takes years to be as big as I want, so not to give up. Plus, my legs are too big and lean for bikini. That made my feel better. I still have 7 weeks to pile on the muscle.

Scott asked me a good question last night. "Is it worth it?" "Is the diet worth it?" The transformation is amazing. I couldn't be happier. I do want to continue to the July show. At this point, I am contemplating the April show. I don't want to lose all the muscle I worked hard to achieve. However, I will be running 2 half marathons in the interim. Also, I want to get more use out of my suit and see if I can get bigger. Of course, we will see what happens next year.

For the diet, I am so ready to eat what I want. Scott was eating meatballs and eggplant parmagian last night for dinner. I was salvating thinking of when I can eat like that. It's not all the time. I know I will eat healthy after this for the most part, but it will be great to cheat. After having my body fat measured, I need to be stricter than ever to lose more fat over my muscles to make them pop.

For all the people who playfully called me a "B-i-t-c-h" for losing all the weight, all I can say is thank you. I worked my butt off to look like I do. I stopped making excuses and stopped saying that I am not going to "deprive" myself. I wanted to make a change and went full out. If I would have continued to "cheat" on the weekends, I would have never completed my goal. Don't give up your goal. If you want to lose weight, do it. Stick with it. Stop trying fad diets that work only if you stick with it. Stop saying that that diet doesn't work because you cheated or didn't stick with it. Being healthy is hard work. Put your health ahead of your taste buds. I've said it before, that healthly eating is a head game. Should I or shouldn't I eat this. One bite won't hurt me. One drink won't make a difference. It will. Don't let your craving take over. Win the game and be the best that you can be.

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